Theses at the ZML
Due to the close connection of the ZML to the IBAP, both study projects and bachelor and master theses can be supervised. Thematically, they should be based on the areas of responsibility of the ZML. If you are interested, we would be pleased to receive a request to info∂zml.kit.edu.
Currently in process
PhD projects:
- David Lohner: Development of Quality Criteria for Teaching Videos in Online Courses for the Development of Systematic Evaluation Processes Using the Example of the iBRIDGE Project at KIT
Master's theses:
- Linda Fortenbacher: Media competence in teacher training: The development of a first Makerspace concept for MINT subjects
- Pervin Özaltin: Learner-related media use - a study on the use of new media in a university context
Closing 2019
Master's theses:
- Philipp Syskowski: Qualitative survey of teachers who use the e-learning service lecture recording in teaching
- Jonas Gangwisch: Flow in a social context: analysis and presentation based on texts from pedagogy and game design
- Sophie Hinderer: Acceptance of blended learning in management development - a retrospective evaluation of factors influencing acceptance by participants of a blended learning measure
Bachelor's theses:
- Kerstin Düpmeier: The influence of in-video questions on the anchoring of knowledge in memory
- Oguz-Kaan Öztürk: Creation and testing of a serious game as learning support for trainees in the fields of mechanics and electronics
- Tamara Zetsche: Gamification in university teaching - possibilities of using it for self-regulated learning of students of the department of mechanical engineering
Study projects:
- Julia Lardinoix: Preventive measures to reduce academic procrastination - A quantitative study to promote the self-regulation skills of students at universities
- Judith Borel: Meta-evaluation of the evaluation in the BePerfekt project - analysis of the evaluation instrument in the target group management module
- Linda Fortenbacher: Development of a Didactic Design for the Course "Media Competence for Teaching Professions" at KIT