The educational plans, new subjects or subject networks present teachers with new challenges. On behalf of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Baden-Württemberg, the ZML develops and conducts corresponding subject-related or interdisciplinary teacher training courses with various partners.
Currently, an online course is being developed to support teachers in the "professional orientation" of their students in the upper secondary level and the advanced training course "Business at the Gymnasium - online for teachers of general secondary schools" is being offered. There is a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) for the 2016 educational plans, which provides guidance on how to implement the guiding principles and is accessible to anyone interested.
In cooperation with experts from the PH Freiburg and the Freiburg Advanced Center of Education (FACE), the ZML has developed two MOOCs for the subject "Business, career and study orientation", which are currently available as self-study courses.
Contact persons at ZML
Michaela Koehl
Phone: +49 721 608-48202
E-mail: michaela.koehl∂
Andreas Sexauer
Phone: +49 721 608-48215
e-mail: andreas.sexauer∂
Eight-month, internet-supported economic training for up to 50 participants per year.
MehrThe project BOSEK II, which is anchored at the ZML, aims at the development of an online learning platform for teachers of secondary level II at high schools on the subject of vocational orientation (BO) and study orientation.
MehrThe Internet platform for teacher training in Baden-Württemberg
"Lehrerinnenfortbildung Baden-Württemberg" is an information center for central advanced training courses of the Center for School Quality and Teacher Training (ZSL) and other advanced training offers in the state.