Here you will find current information about teaching during Corona.

We at the Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning are committed to the continuous and systematic development of media use in teaching in order to actively shape the future of teaching at KIT. Together with you, we want to advance digitization in teaching and in the communication of science at KIT. Please contact us for further information on our range of services or for advice on your individual project.

Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning

A young woman uses virtual reality glasses in front of a green screen.
digiMINT: Digital Learning Lab

In the digiMINT project, we are creating real & virtual spaces - so-called "Digital Learning Labs". Here, student teachers can design media projects for the classroom or for themselves and thus gain their own learning experiences. This semester, such a space is open to students for the first time. At two stations, they can get to grips with virtual reality and (360°) videos.

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Dora4KIT: Research Data Management & Digital Literacy

Digitisation already requires students to have skills in dealing with data, digital teaching content and research data management. The aim of the DORA4KIT project is to promote these skills at an early stage. For this purpose, the ZML designs and produces tailor-made digital learning modules as well as a central ILIAS learning platform.

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Stay up to date on...

Our newsletter, which we send out three times a year, and the ZML account on Twitter keep you informed about the latest developments in digital teaching, and we also report on our own services and events.

Newsletter 01/2021
Newsletter 03/2020
Newsletter 02/2020