Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning

Review of the symposia

Project history (2017 - 2019)

The project was launched in 2017 with the organisation of four specialist conferences in the districts of the Baden-Württemberg regional council. The ZML, together with representatives of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, the Ministry of Culture, the regional councils and the working group Gymnasium-Wirtschaft-Hochschule, developed the conference contents and offered the participants a challenging combination of impulse lectures, best practice reports from everyday school life and practice-oriented workshops. For the participants, the conferences also provided a platform for the exchange of specialist content, concepts, experiences and implementation examples relating to the use of career and study orientation in a school context. All these impressions were incorporated into the rough concept of the course contents in addition to the results of an initial survey on the current state of affairs at schools and the survey on the further training needs of teachers, which were produced in the course of the symposia. The concept was presented in January 2018 at the leaders' meeting of the regional working groups for grammar school-economics and higher education, feedback was obtained from those present and further cooperation was determined. Since 2018, the focus has been on course design. Relevant topics have been identified, the learning units have been defined, the course environment has been set up and designed, subject specialists have been recruited and content has been produced - with the aim of publishing the online platform at the end of 2019 and making it accessible to teachers in the schools.

Review of the four specialist conferences on vocational and academic orientation in SEKII:

Karlsruhe Conference on 22 June 2017

Freiburg symposium on 28 September 2017

Stuttgart symposium on 05 October 2017

Tübingen symposium on 09 October 2017