Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning

KIT - LehreForschung

Scope of the project

The project "KIT - LehreForschung" pursues the goal of a nationwide and strategically implemented research-oriented teaching. On the one hand, the focus is on the early involvement of all students in research projects, on the other hand, the teaching quality is to be increased sustainably under consideration of the principle "teaching follows research". The project is part of the "Teaching Quality Pact" (2011-2020), a federal-state programme for better study conditions and more quality in teaching, which is intended to improve student support and the quality of teaching at universities.

Subproject MOOC+

In the subproject MOOC+, a team of the ZML together with the Chair of Applied Psychology further develops the first successful KIT Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) "MOOCen gegen chronisches Aufschieben". The initiators of the project would like to continue the popularity of the first edition and further exploit the potentials of the innovative teaching/learning format by means of technical innovations and revisions of the content. The MOOCs aim at successfully counteracting procrastination behavior and is designed for KIT students as well as for interested parties outside the university. The MOOC+ examines the media didactic requirements in order to provide appropriate psychological support for learners. In the further development of the course, analyses of courses from ongoing funding play a major role: they show that MOOCs should be more closely tailored and personalized to the participants. Therefore the content, technical components and didactic concepts have to be adapted.
The Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML) and the Chair of Applied Psychology are revising the existing MOOC and integrating the findings from the evaluations to create a MOOC+. The adaptation to the heterogeneous student body and its learning needs is a central focus. The new version of the MOOC+ allows students to address individual self-regulation problems through several learning paths. The revision of the MOOC form thus enables a large number of learners to have an optimal learning experience. By integrating the course into university internal systems, the KIT institutions also take the principle of sustainability into account.


Contact person
Adnan Seithe
Phone: +49 721 608-48218
e-mail: adnan seithe does-not-exist.kit edu

Subproject Technology Didactics

The subproject "Didactics of Technology" examines the extent to which subject-specific and interdisciplinary competences, so-called key qualifications, are integrated into courses. This is done using the example of the Institute for Product Development (IPEK). In the field of machine design, students work in small teams over a period of four semesters on design projects of increasing difficulty. The teaching concept is flanked by a didactically based tutorial program and the supervision of the small groups by doctoral students of the IPEK.
As part of their work, the students will document the results of their projects, for which they have various options at their disposal. The ZML presents corresponding digital documentation tools and offers e-learning services for the inclusion of media aspects in the projects. Furthermore, the ZML is responsible for the conception of a didactic overall concept for technology, which serves the specific development of the areas of social competence, creativity potential and collaboration potential. In the long term, the aim is to ensure the demonstrable promotion of key qualifications.


Contact person
Michael Gauss
Phone: +49 721 608-48206
e-mail: michael gauss3 does-not-exist.kit edu

Further links
Mission Statement for Studies and Teaching at KIT

Campus Day Teaching high Research 2016
Day of exchange and project presentation on research-oriented teaching at KIT
Manual Campus Day