Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning

Science Camps

We offer a total of five Science Camps with different focal points: In addition to the topics "energy" and "geothermal energy" from the last years, "electromobility" and "robotics" will be added. Here you can discuss problems that are now also very present in everyday life. The Science Camp Computer Science is aimed exclusively at girls and offers an insight into the fields of work of female computer scientists. In all Science Camps young people have the opportunity to carry out their own projects with experiments and research in small groups, to look over the shoulder of scientists and to slip into the role of a researcher.

Further information:

   All camps at a glance in our Flyer (in German)

The Science Camps Energy, Geothermal Energy, and Electromobility are offered in close cooperation with the KIT Energy Center and the Schülerakademie Karlsruhe e.V.


Science Camp Electric Mobility
Science Camp Geothermal Energy
Science Camp Computer Science
Science Camp Robotics
Science Camp Energy
KI Bild
Science Camp KI