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learning modules
With online learning modules, learning content can be presented in a particularly vivid way through videos, interactive and practical examples. Learning modules can be used both as a supplement to seminars and for operational instruction.
At the ZML, we would be pleased to support you in creating your own learning modules. We advise and support you in the conception, production and implementation of appropriate courses.
Current learning modules in which the ZML has participated:
Learning modules for external purposes - iBRIDGE
With the bridge course iBRIDGE, students can prepare themselves for a geophysics master's program at KIT. The course consists of three digital modules consisting of 50 different teaching videos in English language as well as technical texts and test exercises.
The bridge course was developed as a cooperation between the Geophysical Institute (GPI) and the ZML, and is openly available to all interested parties on the learning platform OPEN-ILIAS. In addition, a digital pool of teaching material was established for lecturers of geophysics.
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Learning Modules for Internal Use - Data Protection Module
It is an important and necessary concern of KIT to sensitize its employees to the topic of data protection and to inform them about the relevant regulations for handling personal data. For this reason, the ZML has developed a learning module in cooperation with the Staff Unit for Data Protection (DSB) that teaches the general basics of data protection and familiarizes employees with the data protection regulations applicable at KIT or refreshes or deepens knowledge already acquired.
The training is obligatory for all KIT employees who have been working at KIT for more than four months, and successful participation is certified by a certificate of attendance.