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iBRIDGE: Video-based bridging course in the master's programme Geophysics as Open Educational Resource (OER)
With instructional videos in English language, international prospective students can prepare themselves for a geophysics master study at KIT. The bridge course was developed within the iBRIDGE project as a cooperation between the Geophysical Institute (GPI) and the Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML) and is open to all interested parties on the learning platform OPEN-ILIAS. In addition, a digital teaching material pool has been set up for lecturers in geophysics.
The bridging course is aimed at students with a bachelor's degree in physics, mathematics, or a subject from the field of geosciences who are changing to the master's degree course in geophysics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
The course is completed before the start of lectures in the Master's programme and consists of three digital modules, which are made up of 50 instructional videos in English, technical texts and test exercises. The contents cover the main topics of the bachelor's programme in geophysics with the two modules "Seismological Fundamentals" and "Applied Seismics". The following video gives a short insight into the teaching videos of the module "Seismological Fundamentals".
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Students can choose the contents of the bridge course individually according to their previous knowledge. During the course of the project, a moderated forum also provided support in selecting the contents and offered space for questions.
In cooperation with lecturers from geophysical institutes of other German universities, a collection of digital teaching and learning aids has been established, which contains lecture notes, illustrations, interactive exercises and online teaching material and can be used in future for online modules and other courses.
This collection is intended to initiate a long-term networking of geophysical courses of study in Germany. In addition, a selection of the instructional videos was also made available via public channels such as YouTube, thus increasing the visibility of the "minor subject" geophysics in the general public.
The Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts supported the project from the Structural Fund "Small Subjects" in Baden-Württemberg from 2016 to the end of 2018 with around 247,000 euros.
State initiative "Small subjects"
This initiative of the state of Baden-Württemberg supports measures that secure and sustainably strengthen the scientific skills of the "small disciplines" in the long term. "Small subjects" are courses of study that only have a few chairs. In Germany, 16 courses of study in geophysics are offered. Among them is the study program at KIT under the direction of Prof. Andreas Rietbrock and Prof. Thomas Bohlen. (Student advisory service: Dr. Ellen Gottschämmer)
Impressions from the project
Making of Slideshow
The project team
Andrew Barth Author and lecturer |
Sarah Holstein Didactical Design |
Lena Schöneberger Didactical Design & Video Production |
David Lohner Video production & graphic design |
OER repository Baden-Württemberg: https://kit.oerbw.de/
(Photo element above: Markus Breig, KIT)
Contact person
Sarah Holstein
Phone: +49 721 608-48219
e-mail: sarah.holsteinākit.edu
Further links
- Press release of the Ministry of Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg
- Geophysical Institute (GPI)
- Press release of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
The project as interactive infographics
Documentation: Creation of an online bridge course