Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning

DFNConf: New tool for easy video conferences

Talking face to face without being in the same place, while reviewing and presenting documents online - the easiest way to do this is via a video conference. Since last year, the new platform of the video conferencing service "DFNConf" has been made available to all KIT staff* free of charge. DFNConf is platform-independent and can be configured individually for every need. The access paths are also manifold: DFNConf can be accessed via video conference systems as well as via smartphone apps, web-based solutions, or simple telephone dial-in.

Video conferences via DFNConf can be started at any time and without prior reservation of resources or rooms. The DFN-Conf service portal serves as central entry point to the service. It can be used directly with the KIT account without prior registration. On the portal, the video conferences can be managed independently. However, you only need this portal if you want to set up and organize a conference yourself. For pure participation, the link to the meeting room is sufficient. You will receive an official invitation directly from the organizer. Participants do not need their own account and can also come from institutions that do not belong to the DFN-Association.

As an organizer, you can create meeting rooms individually and adapt them to specific requirements. You can individually set, for example:

  • The room size (i.e. the maximum possible number of participants)
  • The access restrictions (PIN, lock the room or similar)
  • The connection of Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • The type of conference (video or pure telephone conference)

In addition, some prefabricated profiles are also available. The meeting rooms used remain in the organizer's account after use and can be displayed and adapted in a list.

To participate in a conference as well as to hold a conference, it is important that a plug-in for Adobe Flash is installed. Furthermore, the new platform of DFN is still compatible with all VC systems. Apps are available for Android and iOS, and the service can also be accessed via simple telephone dial-in.

Furthermore, DFNConf enables the upload of PowerPoint presentations. These can be automatically offered for download. Furthermore, the slides can be presented and edited parallel to the meeting.

An SSL encryption secures the communication of the service between the servers and the used end devices.

Further information is available at the German Research Network DFN and on the KIT website.